Valuation for Asset Value Purposes of a Property in Bath.

Valuation for Asset Value Purposes


We were approached by a client to undertake a valuation of a mixed-use retail and residential property situated in Bath. The purpose of the valuation was for asset value purposes.


The client had already had the property valued in 2019 for probate purposes and unfortunately due to complications with the probate, the property was only marketed in late 2024 with an offer being received in early 2025. This offer was substantially lower than the value provided in 2019. The original valuer had since retired and therefore the client was unable to return to the original valuer to ask for an update.


We were able to value the property as at the date of valuation and provide a detailed explanation and insight into the changes in the market from 2019, which was prior to the Covid-19 Pandemic, to today’s date.


We were therefore able to justify the decrease in value and confirming the recent marketing of the subject property was appropriate and provide a Market Value as at today’s date.

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