A Day in the Life of a Property Manager 

property managers

Property management professionals play a vital role in maintaining and overseeing properties, whether residential or commercial. Here’s a glimpse into their typical workday. 

Early-Morning Routine: 

Inbox Prioritization: Property managers start their day by sifting through emails. They prioritize urgent messages related to emergencies or critical issues. 

Handling Emergencies: If there are heating problems due to colder weather or leaks caused by heavy rain and storms, property managers promptly contact contractors to arrange repairs. 

Effective Communication: Property managers maintain clear communication with tenants, reassuring them that their concerns are being addressed. 

Mid-Morning Tasks: 

Follow-Up and Coordination: Property managers revisit outstanding emails from previous days or weeks. They follow up with contractors, engineers, and landlords to ensure timely responses. 

Quote Approval Process: When tenants report issues, property managers arrange for contractors to provide quotes. These quotes are then sent to landlords for approval before work can proceed. 

Late Morning Duties: 

Scheduled Checks: Property managers review weekly or fortnightly tasks. This includes booking health and safety certificates that are due to expire. 

Move-Out Process: In the case of commercial properties, if tenants need to move out, property managers inspect the property and book the move-out. 


Property Inspections: Property managers visit managed properties each quarter. These inspections help assess the condition of units, common areas, and exteriors. 

Tenant Relations: Building positive relationships with tenants remains a priority. The Annual General Meetings (AGMs) are an excellent way to communicate with leaseholders/owners. 

Financial Tasks: Property managers also produce budgets and arrange for service charge/rent/ground rent invoices to be raised, check and approve invoices from contractors, do reconciliations, monitor tenants’ arrears or produce reports to provide to the landlords. 

Conveyancing: Solicitors, sellers and purchasers require information and documents that can only be supplied by Property managers. LPE1 and FME1 forms, certificates of compliance and membership certificates are only a few of the documents that property managers deal with daily. 

Remember, property managers wear many hats, from handling emergencies to simply liaising with a tenant in regard to their service charge invoice. Their ability to multitask, communicate effectively and stay calm under pressure is crucial to their success. 

Please talk to our Property Management team to discuss your block residential or commercial properties.

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