12 years of ISO accreditation celebrated

ISO accreditation

We are proud to announce our successful re-certification for ISO 9001, Quality and ISO 14001 (Environmental) standards, marking a significant milestone of 12 consecutive years of accreditation. This achievement underscores our unwavering commitment to excellence in quality management and environmental stewardship.

ISO 9001 certification attests to our steadfast dedication to maintaining robust quality management systems that consistently meet and exceed customer expectations. By adhering to stringent quality standards and continuously improving processes, our people ensure the delivery of exceptional services to clients across diverse sectors.

In addition to ISO 9001, Vickery Holman has also reaffirmed our commitment to environmental sustainability through ISO 14001 certification. This certification highlights our proactive approach to minimising environmental impact, promoting resource efficiency, and complying with relevant environmental regulations. By integrating environmental considerations into our operations, Vickery Holman demonstrates our role as a responsible corporate entity, contributing to a greener and more sustainable future.

“We are thrilled to achieve 12 years of ISO re-certification for both ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 standards,” said Kate Gordon, Operations Director comments. “This accomplishment reflects our enduring dedication to upholding the highest standards of quality and environmental responsibility in all aspects of our business. It is a testament to the hard work and commitment of our team members who consistently strive for excellence.”

Vickery Holman’s continued ISO certification not only validates our operational excellence but also reinforces our position as a trusted partner for clients seeking quality, reliability, and sustainability in our projects. As we look ahead, we remain committed to innovation and continuous improvement to help us to deliver value-added solutions for our clients and communities.

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