Somerset Call for Sites

somerset call for sites

Somerset – Call For Sites

Somerset landowners and housing developers are being asked to put forward new sites for development as the creation of a new Local Plan ramps up. By initiating a ‘Call for Sites’, the council is inviting landowners and developers to identify land as being available, suitable and deliverable for housing, employment or mixed-use developments. Submitted sites will then be assessed by the council and could be selected for allocation in the emerging Local Plan. In most cases suitable sites should be located within or adjoining the built-up area of a town or village.

To clarify, only sites submitted during the ‘Call for Sites’ process may be considered for allocation. Developers and landowners are therefore advised to ensure that relevant sites are submitted for consideration.

The sites being put forward under the Local Authorities ‘call for sites’ can be for a variety of uses, including residential, commercial, industrial, gypsy and traveller pitches, and renewable energy installations (such as solar farms).

The process will run for 6 weeks from 13 January 2025 until 24 February 2025 followed by an assessment of each site’s suitability, availability and achievability. A report will be published summarising these assessments and the process followed. These assessments will help decide which sites might be considered in future consultations for the new Local Plan. However, the Call for Sites is just one of many ways the Council will gather information for this process.

This is an opportunity for the community of Somerset to influence the future development of its homeland and for individuals/landowners/developers/other interested parties to promote land for development. It should not be missed.

If you have land that you’re interested in promoting, please reach out to discuss how we can assist you through the process. Vickery Holman have a highly experienced Development Consultancy with surveyors based in Somerset so we are well placed to advise and assist.

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