Development Consultancy
Our development team work with clients to ensure their projects are financially viable and deliverable.
Development Consultancy services for the South West
Vickery Holman have an experienced Development Consultancy team that works across the South West, providing a comprehensive range of services to help clients at every stage of the development process. Our extensive local market knowledge and in depth understanding of local planning policy is invaluable in assuring land values and development revenues are maximised.

Our development consultants specialise in:
If you would like to discuss any of these services further, please do not hesitate to contact us using the details below.Key Contacts
Development Consultancy Case Studies
Development Consultancy FAQs
How do you value my land?
We value your land by looking at what it is being used for at the moment and what it could be used for in the future, factoring in local planning and site-specific restrictions. Understanding the value of your land is important in helping you make informed decisions for its development.
We can help in providing independent valuation of land and properties with and without planning permission, for a range of purposes, across acquisitions, loan security, accounts, option agreements and options appraisals.
Our experience in advising on development schemes specifically across the south west, alongside our strong agency presence, provides a deep and up to date knowledge base to draw on, in order to provide the best advice to our clients. Our existing relationships with professionals across the development services spectrum ensures we are best placed to provide valuation services advice to anyone looking to assess development potential for their assets.
I’ve got some land, what is it worth?
The value of your land be it greenfield or brownfield, will hinge on a number of factors. The development potential of land is very much subject to its geography, in terms of appropriate uses, planning restrictions, costs to deliver and of course end values of what is proposed.
Whether or not you’ve investigated the development potential of your land, we are always happy to discuss your options and whether or not we can help. Our team can quickly identify if there is any short to long-term prospects for development or re-development and talk you through the necessary steps to crystallise the maximum uplift in value for your land. We can provide advice from inception and review of options, through the planning process and ultimately the sale of your property. We believe that being involved across the life of a project provides the best opportunities and we would be interested to discuss any opportunities you are considering, with absolutely no obligation.
What is viability and do I need a viability assessment?
It is important to assess the viability of a development scheme throughout the design and planning process to ensure that schemes are deliverable. Maintaining a good grasp of the viability of a scheme as it evolves is key to maximising value designing a financially viable scheme. As plans evolve, so do costs and end values and the impact of these factors on the value of your land should be understood properly to avoid wasted time and resources.
Viability Assessments are submitted during the course of a planning application for development, in order to negotiate the level of S106 obligations required by the Local Planning Authority. Sometimes a well-designed scheme will still not be able to overcome financial hurdles to be deliverable with the provision of S106 obligations.
These obligations can range from financial contributions, provision of local infrastructure items to offset the impact of development (i.e. play areas, green space, community facilities etc) and the provision of Affordable Housing as part of a residential development (usually only when a scheme is providing 10 units or more, but this is specific to each Local Planning Authority).
Regulations surrounding the submission and review of a Viability Assessment, have increased in complexity over the past few years. A well-reasoned and evidenced viability argument can ensure that the planning permission being sought is marketable and deliverable. Our team have a strong track record in negotiating S106 agreements on behalf of both private and public sector clients and would be pleased to discuss the possible benefits that undertaking a viability assessment of your scheme could have for you.
What is the Community Infrastructure Levy?
The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) began being implemented across the country in 2011, with individual Local Planning Authorities charged with setting their own rates and charging schedules.
The income produced by CIL is used to support new development schemes by funding local infrastructure projects and larger strategic infrastructure projects, which support the growth of an area.
Understanding and advising the implications, costs and timing of CIL payments can be a complicated process and material to value. Our team have the experience and knowledge to accurately calculate the CIL liability for any client’s scheme.
How will getting a planning permission add value to my land?
Obtaining an optimal planning permission can help maximise the value of your land holding. For a planning permission to be optimal though, it needs to take into account the most valuable use for a specific location, set against the planning policy restrictions for an area.
We can provide local market assessments to provide early indications as to the end values of various use options and work alongside planning consultants to maximise the marketability of your scheme.
If you hold land with a planning permission or are looking to purchase land with planning permission and would like an independent market assessment of values, then please get in touch with a member of our team who will be happy to have a no-obligation chat to discuss your requirements.
I have a planning permission, now what?
Now you have a valid planning permission for your property, you will be looking to capitalise on the uplift in value you have added. Our agents are active across the south west and are best placed to advise on marketing strategies to maximise the exposure to the right market for your property. Our existing relationships with developers and housebuilders of all sizes, active in the South West, mean that your property will be introduced to the right people and in the right way. Alternatively, we can provide you with valuation advice to assess end values for a scheme or to re-assure you on the level of offers you can expect to receive from the market for your property.